Saturday, July 4, 2015

Paul Revere and Samuel Adams - Peter Tomlinson shared Arturo de Hoyos's post.

** 220 Years ago Today **

Most Worshipful PAUL REVERE, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, with Governor Samuel Adams, laid a cornerstone and buried a time capsule. Among the contents was a silver plate, which read:

"This Corner-stone intended for the use of the Legislature and Executive Branches of Government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was laid by His Excellency Samuel Adams, Esq’r, Governor of said Commonwealth assisted by the Most Worshipful Paul Revere, Grand Master; and Right Worshipful William Scollay, Deputy Grad Master; The Grand Wardens and Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.

On the 4th Day of July 1795, A.L. 5795 being the 20th Anniversary of American Independence."

During the ceremony, Grand Master Revere said:

"Worshipful Brethren, I congratulate you on this auspicious day: — when the Arts and Sciences are establishing themselves in our happy Country, a Country distinguished from the rest of the World, by being a Government of Laws. — Where Liberty has found a Safe and Secure abode, — and where her Sons are determined to support and protect her.

Brethren, we are called this day by our Venerable & patriotic Governor, his Excellency Samuel Adams, to Assist him in laying the Corner Stone of a Building to be erected for the use of the Legislature and Executive branches of Government of this Commonwealth. May we my Brethren, so Square our Actions thro life as to shew to the World of Mankind, that we mean to live within the Compass of Good Citizens that we wish to Stand upon a Level with them that when we part we may be admitted into that Temple where Reigns Silence & peace."

(108) Peter Tomlinson - Peter Tomlinson shared Arturo de Hoyos's post.

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