Monday, February 7, 2011

Cataract Lodge #2 Entered Apprentice Initiation, January 25, 2011

Bothers Of Another Mother.
Cataract Lodge #2  was the second lodge recognized under the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.  . Stillwater's St. John's Lodge #1  preceded us.  St. Paul Lodge number #3   was recognized shortly after Cataract by the Grand Lodge (it was made a lodge in 1849, but somehow recognized later for the formation of the Grand Lodge.)  <I was told it was some kind of "paperwork" thing.> These Three lodges were the basis for the formation of the independent Grand Lodge of Minnesota. Before forming a Grand Lodge, while Minnesota was still a territory, St. John's Lodge was recognized by  the Grand Lodge of  Wisconsin (October 12, 1850).  Cataract Lodge by the Grand Lodge of Illinois ( February 5, 1852,).  And the St. Paul lodge, by the Grand Lodge of Ohio (1849).  I find this all pretty fascinating.   You can read more history here: Grand Lodge Of Minnesota.  Looking at the Grand Lodge Wiki page, I just discovered that Hubert H. Humphrey was a member of Cataract Lodge.  That is a nice surprise!

 S John's Lodge No 1

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