Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol

Just finished this.   It is actually pretty good, with a spiritual message at the end.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Born In Blood by John Robinson.

         John Robinson offers a different history for the Freemasons which is interesting, linking them back to the Knight Templars rather than than the craftsmen masons who built the cathedrals.  We don't have a good paper trail.   Masons started as a secret society, so the history is obscured.  Read and decide for yourself.  With time, I believe, historians will learn more about the roots of this brotherhood.  I just finished this and am now reading Rosslyn:  Guardian Of The Secrets Of The Holy Grail, by Wallace-Murphy & Hopkins.  It seems much more speculative than Robinson's book, but interesting, nonetheless.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Two Harbors, Fortitude Lodge No. 188.

On our way to the North Shore, we came across this Masonic Lodge at Two Harbors.
We thought the building was interesting. Used to have windows at the ground level,
but they are bricked up now.
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